Florida DOT Acquires 3rd IrisPRO Pave Pavement Vehicle

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Florida DOT Acquires 3rd IrisPRO Pave Pavement Vehicle

Largo, FL – Annually the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Pavement Condition Unit conducts pavement condition surveys in support of FDOT’s pavement management program and federal HPMS reporting.

Last week FDOT received their 3rd new IrisPRO Pave survey vehicle. It meets requirements for the FDOT Pavement Distress Measurement System (PDMS) and associated equipment. Their system combines an LCMS-2 HD imaging system, 9MP Basler Ace camera, iXBlue Atlans A7 INS, a multi-laser profiler and synchronized location information to deliver thorough pavement condition data. Capturing robust road surface data provides insightful evaluations of Florida’s road conditions and performance, as well as the ability to predict future rehabilitation needs. These predictions assist in preparing the legislative resurfacing budget request and subsequent distribution of funds to FDOT’s districts.

Equipped with Connect™, ICC’s processing and viewing software, the team will import and process the collected pavement data from their IrisPRO Pave using Connect, to detect and analyze cracks, lane markings, ruts, potholes, macro-texture (MPD), patches, raveling, and sealed cracks.

Data Collection Made Faster… Data Processing Made Easier… The Fully Integrated !