Quebec, Canada – We are thrilled to announce that our 5000 Walking Profiler has officially met and surpassed the certification requirements set by the Ministry of Transportation Quebec (MTQ) for low-speed profilers, affirming its exceptional precision and reliability!
Previous models of ICC‘s have been used be used throughout Quebec and other parts of Canada for years. With the SurPRO 5000’s upgraded interface, data collection and processing are easier and more efficient than ever. This accomplishment showcases our commitment to provide the latest in technology while upholding the highest standards of quality and performance.
Why is the 5000 right for your project?
What makes this device the only choice in the industry?
What can do for you?
You’ve got questions – we’ve got answers!
5000 can:
- Collect precision profilers on any paved surface.
- Identify surface defects to achieve target roughness indices.
- View graphs, export files, and email results immediately following data collection.
- Generate common industry standard file formats.
- Test bridges before approaches are in place.
- Measure road and drainage slopes
- Provide unfiltered true elevation profiles.
- Finally, it exceeds ASTM & World Bank Class 1 profiler performance requirements.
Find out more about the 5000 and other devices manufactured by International Cybernetics on our website at or by calling +1 (727) 547-0696 and speaking with one of our equipment specialists!
SurPRO | The most trusted name in profiling!