IrisPRO Every Speed

ICC has developed a proprietary and patented profiler solution that solves the “low speed problem” inherent in traditional inertial profilers. Valid profile and IRI data cannot normally be collected at speeds below 12 mph. ICC’s Every Speed Profiler (ESP) offers a revolutionary step forward for the industry. It will collect valid profile and IRI at every speed, including for collections with stops due to traffic, signals, and stop signs.
The ESP uses a unique working principle involving dual line lasers in each wheel path and employs a novel algorithm to measure longitudinal profile accurately at any speed. Unlike traditional profiling systems, the ESP can measure profiles at any speed, whether the vehicle is decelerating, accelerating, moving, or even at acomplete stop. The ESP’s design and algorithm enable it to overcome various challenges associated with traffic conditions or the presence of traffic-related elements such as stoplights and stop signs. This allows agencies to obtain accurate roughness measurements (IRI) on all roads, including congested and urban roads.
- Measures longitudinal profile in each wheelpath
- Calculates smoothness/roughness of pavement according to industry standards
- Target detection system
- Garmin GPS
- Customizable 20-key event keyboard
- Included WiFi and 4G router for in-field connectivity
- Optional upgrade to 80-key event keyboard
- Optional upgrade to Hemisphere differentially-corrected GPS
- Optional right-of-way imaging (Basler cameras, Ladybug 5+ camera)
Measurement Capabilities
- Collect valid IRI at any speed, including stop and go
- International Roughness Index (IRI)
- Profilograph Index (PrI), sometimes called Profile Index (PI)
- Ride Number (RN)
- Boeing Bump Index (BBI)
- Cross-correlations typically ranging from 0.97 to 0.99, depending on surface type
- Raw Elevation
- High-pass Filtered Elevation with user-specified cutoff wavelength
- Raw laser readings and accelerometer-derived inertial reference heights
- 3-point rutting (with 3 laser systems)
- Record images to JPG or MP4 (with available Basler camera)
- Trigger cameras at user-specified fixed distance intervals (with optional camera)

Flexible Configurations

Chassis Options
ICC has mounted profilers to just about every vehicle chassis type available. Customers often provide their own host vehicle. It is important that the vehicle have suitable mounting points, so talk to us about the best options. The most common platforms chosen are the Ford F-series Truck, Ford Transit, and Chevy Tahoe.
GPS Comes Standard
Profile data makes so much more sense with GPS data. This is why all ICC profilers come standard with a Garmin GPS system. The Hemisphere Atlas DGPS is available as an upgrade.
Right-of-Way Camera(s)

Camera options include the popular Basler Ace 4K 9MP or 12MP camera. The Basler camera mounts either inside the cab to the windshield or outside in an environmentally-protected enclosure. Consider upgrading to the premium Point Gray Ladybug 6 72MP spherical camera or Ladybug 5+ 30MP camera. The Ladybug camera mounts to the vehicle roof rack and is weather-proof.
Using the onboard Drive software, data can easily be trimmed by setting start/end points for analysis. Start distance and direction can be edited. Metrics like International Roughness Index (IRI), Ride Number (RN), Profile Index (PrI), Boeing Bump Index, and others are automatically calculated. The data can be exported to ProVAL in ERD/PPF file formats, or to Excel/CSV for further analysis.

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- 10630 75th Street Largo, FL 33777
- +1 727-547-0696 USA
- +1 289-807-4371 CAN