Saratoga Springs, NY – The Road Profile Users’ Group (RPUG) 2022 wrapped up yesterday, and was happy to connect with everyone from the industry!
During the event, ICC’s CEO Michael Nieminen, P.E. and Pavement Engineer Danilo Balzarini, Ph.D. introduced the new ASTM Standard “E3303, Practice for Generating Pavement Surface Cracking Indices from Digital Images” during the Pavement Distress session. Thank you to the other session participants, including session moderator Colin McClenahen, PennDOT; David Malmgren-Hansen, Greenwood Engineering; and Haitao Gong, Texas State University (right to left from Michael N).
ICC’s Jason Trotter and Chase Fleeman hosted our booth during the exhibit hall for the Road Profile Users’ Group annual event, which ran from April 25–28 in Saratoga Springs, New York.
RPUG is an information trading forum valuable for those interested in road profiles, roughness, surface textures, friction, and tire-pavement noise information. It’s a knowledge-sharing environment focused on the collection, analysis, and application of information related to the functional characteristics of traveled surfaces.
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