Building on a multi-year partnership with Delaware DOT and Kimley-Horn, ICC has migrated all data and images collected in the last two cycles (2021, 2022) to the new Inform™ software. DelDOT is now the third DOT to use Inform™ to make their roadway images accessible across their organization.
Inform™ is ICC’s new browser-based viewing software for right-of-way and pavement images. Images are displayed alongside a map and tabular data. Users can quickly jump to any location in the network and navigate forward or backward.
Inform™ has been designed with the user in mind. It is easy to use and incredibly intuitive, making it an ideal tool for agencies who want to provide access to the valuable photolog images collected during road condition surveys.
The real value of Inform™ comes when multiple cycles of images are hosted. Users can select previous years to view historical conditions of the roadway and surrounding assets. Capable of hosting unlimited cycles of data, Inform™ helps agencies evaluate and understand how their road conditions are changing over time.
Think your organization could use a big-picture view of your roadway network? ICC has scalable solutions to help. Get in touch!