Save the Date | September Webinars!

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Save the Date | September Webinars!

We are excited to announce that the ICC-IMS team will be offering free educational webinars next month! Join us and learn more about current solutions provided by the ICC-IMS team to municipal and state departments of transportation across North America. Hear from pavement industry experts, their experiences, and what has been improved over the years!

ICC-IMS Webinar Topics:

 > Tue Sept 5 @3:00 PM EST
“Don’t Get Tripped-Up! Practical Collection and GIS-Based Reporting Methods in Support of ADA Transition Plans”.
Presented by Sadaf Khosravifar, PhD, PE, and Kurt Keifer, PhD, PE. PDH will be provided.

> Thu Sept 7 @4:00 PM EST
“Roadway Data: Do You Have a Need For Speed?”  
Presented by Michael Nieminen with special guest Robert Bush from the Arizona Department of Transportation

Are you interested? Do you want to learn more? Simply email us for the webinar link at

Hope to see you there!

ICC-IMS | Better Data, Better Decisions!