Infrastructure Resiliency

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Infrastructure Resiliency

Do you have baseline infrastructure data in the event of extreme weather? Weather is unpredictable and can wreak havoc on infrastructure.

If your community is prone to flooding, hurricanes, or other severe weather events, it might be time to get a baseline of your data and develop an infrastructure resiliency plan before extreme weather strikes. When it comes to pavement and other roadway assets, we truly believe in a proactive (not reactive!) management approach.

Here’s why you should have an infrastructure resiliency plan:

  • You can easily assess the above and below-ground condition of roads, sidewalks, signs, etc. following an extreme weather event when baseline data exists.
  • You can quickly determine if the damage was the result of extreme weather.
  • You may have greater access to emergency funding when able to link damage directly to an extreme weather event.
  • You can easily make pre- and post-event photo comparisons from right-of-way imagery and lidar data.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Worried about what a severe weather event could do to your pavement and roadway assets? We’ve got you covered!
  • Our data collection systems capture 360-degree right-of-way imagery.
  • If an event takes place, we can quickly mobilize to collect post-event imagery.
  • The imagery we collect is a permanent snapshot of your right-of-way infrastructure at the time of inspection.
  • Structural damage to roadway pavements can be determined by pre- and post-event structural testing with a Fast-Falling Weight Deflectometer (FastFWD).

Why trust us with your infrastructure resiliency?

Our engineering team has more than 100 collective years of practical experience analyzing pavements across the United States. We’ve provided both interim and stand-alone services for every conceivable asset and pavement challenge you have at the city, county, and municipal levels.

We can collect all of the necessary data in a single deployment, perform the pre- and post-event assessments for you if you are unable to do it in-house, and host year-over-year data in our web-based data visualization tool, Inform.

Is it economical to plan for severe weather?


While you can’t predict the weather, you CAN plan for an organized response to it based on accurate pre- and post-event data.

Having this information at your fingertips means that you can right-size maintenance and rehabilitation efforts based on the severity of the damage.

Want to learn more about infrastructure resiliency and how you can protect your roadway assets? !

– | Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Roads!