Save the Date! TRB 2024 is Coming…

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Save the Date! TRB 2024 is Coming…

From January 7 to 11, TRB 2024 is back in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. The 103rd Annual Meeting will be made up of exhibitions, committee meetings, workshops, and sessions all hosted by the Transportation Research Board, a leader in the transportation industry who mobilizes expertise, experience, and knowledge to predict and solve complex transportation challenges. Always lots to learn and chat about for everyone in every sector of the transportation industry!

ICC-IMS can be found in the Exhibit Hall in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center at booth #517. Make sure to take some time to say hello and learn if you are gambling with your pavement maintenance budget year after year with solution-focused pavement equipment, services, and software experts from International Cybernetics Company (ICC)IMS Infrastructure Management Services.

Let’s set up a chat! !

We are looking forward to seeing you in Washington!

TRB 2024 | 103rd Annual Meeting