Meet John!

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Meet John!

Meet the maestro of numbers, the jet-setting guardian of balance, and the voice of reason at the center of ICC – our beloved Controller! With a calculator in one hand and a passport in the other, this number-crunching wizard makes spreadsheets sing and financial statements dance. He’s not just the arithmetic aficionado; he’s the heartbeat of ICC’s team harmony. Join us in celebrating the charming persona behind the balance sheets, the one who turns every equation into a sweet success – our favorite Controller – John Till!

What do you love most about your job?
Growing up with a tradesman father, spending years riding dirt bikes, building off-road vehicles with my brother, and having a general love for the outdoors, I have always been a handy person. Unfortunately, the accounting field very rarely requires this skill set. It’s been cool to engage that side of me and appreciate the “toys” in the ICC/IMS garages and our tangible work product.

What do you think is the most important skill that a successful professional should have?
Recognizing when you don’t know the answer and having the humility to seek help when needed. In the last couple of years, I could not come close to quantifying how many times I navigated something completely new to me. Between personal research and collaboration internally and with our external partners, a solution always comes together with a little work!

Do you have any creative outlets or interests?
While I don’t love the often-long flights (my longest was 19 hours straight to Singapore), I love to travel and check out new places and cultures. Peru and Morocco are next on the list.

What are some of your favorite local spots to visit?
Tampa is an awesome place to live. Every week, a cool event or new restaurant pops up. The food and service at Olivia can’t be beaten. The Columbia Cafe on Waterstreet has also been a favorite since my wedding there in 2020.

How has your role evolved since you joined the ICC/IMS team?
When I joined the organization, it was just ICC! When ICC became ICC/IMS, my role and team evolved quickly. While the heart of my role remains the same, I spend a little more time on the operational needs of our growing business now.

What are some of the challenges that you’ve faced since joining the team?
Merging personalities and work styles is a challenge at the absolute best of organizations. I credit my almost entirely female team for helping navigate uncomfortable conversations and conflicts with more grace and tact than I might have joined the team with!

What do you think is the most important skill that you bring to the table?
I often brag about my skills in Excel. My wife says that’s not as cool as I think it is.

What do you enjoy most about working at ICC/IMS?
The broad spectrum of products and services we provide. For an organization of our size, I am still amazed by the caliber of talent we have related to software and hardware development, engineering/consulting expertise, and the unique solutions we bring to clients all over the world. Even from an accounting perspective, this brings in a lot of neat stuff to account for. The dynamic and growing nature of the business keeps it very engaging and interesting to me.

What methods do you use to stay motivated and focused?
I’m an extremely project-driven individual. I struggle to put down a project until it’s done. Sometimes this is to my detriment. It’s also of great amusement to my brother, who jokes I was born with a briefcase & ready to work.

What is your favorite food?
Mexican! Please don’t tell my Cuban mother or Italian in-laws!

What languages do you speak?
Everyone is always surprised to learn that Spanish is my first language.

– | Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Roads!