#IrisYouWereHere! Smooth Rides & Hidden Tales: Unveiling SLO’s Secrets with IrisPRO Pave!

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#IrisYouWereHere! Smooth Rides & Hidden Tales: Unveiling SLO’s Secrets with IrisPRO Pave!

Rolling through the streets of San Luis Obispo (aka SLO), in California, our IrisPRO Pave is on a mission unlike any other! This high-tech chariot is capturing pavement data, making sure our rides are smooth and our journeys are safe. But hey, it’s not just about roads, it’s a sneak peek into the fascinating layers of SLO. From its “Tiger Town” origins to being the birthplace of the Motel, and even the first city to ban public smoking in the USA! ️ Did you know this gem of a city was also the starting line for Jamba Juice and home to Hollywood heartthrob Zac Efron? With every mile the IrisPRO Pave covers, we’re not just collecting data; we’re weaving through a storybook of history, innovation, and a bit of the paranormal (looking at you, haunted orphanage! ). So, next time you’re enjoying a smooth drive in SLO, remember there’s more beneath the surface!

#IrisYouWereHere #SanLuisObispo #California #PavementPerfection #Pavment #SmoothRides

– | Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Roads!