Celebrating National Higher Education Day!

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Celebrating National Higher Education Day!

Today is National Higher Education Day!

Did you know less than 50% of first-time college and university students complete their degree in six years? The top reasons for dropping out are financial difficulties and poor academic preparedness. Observed annually on June 6th, National Higher Education Day aims to change this by educating and inspiring future graduates. The mission is to equip students both scholastically and financially for higher education as well as champion the accessibility of higher education and educate students about scholarship opportunities and college readiness.

Founded in 2015 by Izamar Olaguez and Marcie Hronis to encourage students to pursue post-secondary education, it was also created to raise awareness about the need for more affordable tuition and fees at colleges and universities, particularly in the US. While the day officially started recently, the motivation behind this day goes back 50 years earlier to its very first celebration, which started with the National Higher Education Act of 1965. The act aimed to enhance the opportunities for students by helping through higher education programs and financial assistance, making education more accessible for everyone.

Let’s advocate for making higher education accessible for everyone!

Learn more at: www.nationalhighereducationday.org

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