Iris Gathering Pavement Data in Gainesville, TX near Iconic Giant Horse Chess Piece!

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Iris Gathering Pavement Data in Gainesville, TX near Iconic Giant Horse Chess Piece!

♟️ Iris was recently in Gainesville, TX, collecting pavement data near the iconic Giant Horse Chess Piece! We are proud to be contributing to the enhancement of road quality and infrastructure in this historic and vibrant community.

Gainesville, the county seat of Cooke County, has an intriguing history dating back to its founding in 1850. Situated approximately 67 miles north of Dallas on Interstate 35, Gainesville has evolved from its early days as part of the Peters Colony to become a significant hub of commerce and culture. The city has persevered through challenges and flourished, with landmarks that reflect its rich past and dynamic growth.

One such landmark is the Giant Horse Chess Piece, also known as the Brick Chess Knight. This impressive 30-foot-tall horse head, built in 1981 by bricklayer John Groves, was constructed from approximately 8,000 antique bricks salvaged from a Chicago fire. Commissioned by ranch owner E.T. “Ernie” Chrustawka, the horse is designed to resemble a chess piece, inspired by Chrustawka’s company, Check Mate Quarter Horses. Alongside it is a giant brick castle, mimicking pawns and rooks in a game of chess, making it a must-see roadside attraction for travelers on I-35.

Our IrisPRO Pave is here to ensure that Gainesville’s roads meet the highest standards, supporting the community’s ongoing development and prosperity. We are dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide precise pavement data that will aid in maintaining and improving the city’s infrastructure.

Stay tuned as Iris gathers crucial data to enhance road quality in Gainesville.

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#IrisYouWereHere #PavementData #IrisPROPave #GainesvilleTX #PublicWorks #Infrastructure #GiantHorseChessPiece #HistoricLandmarks #RoadQuality #CommunityDevelopment #TX