Friction Services by ICC for PANYNJ

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Friction Services by ICC for PANYNJ

NY | NJ – The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) facilitates significant transportation for commerce and people in New York City and Newark. With 5 airports, 6 bridge and tunnel facilities, 3 bus terminals, seaports, rail transportation, and real estate, asset management and maintenance are critical aspects for the PANYNJ.

Pavement Friction is an essential aspect of safety management for pavement infrastructure.  Working for our partner Applied Pavement Technology, Inc, International Cybernetics (ICC) completed friction testing at three (3) PANYNJ facilities. Work was completed on the George Washington Bridge, LaGuardia Airport, and Stewart Airport, providing ASTM E-274 compliant friction testing.  Key data reported included the Friction Number, specific pavement section details, and color-coded maps. This data will be used as inputs towards to management and planning of critical infrastructure facilities.



Every highway agency is working to improve safety of their roadways.  

Learn why collecting friction and geometric data is critical to identifying at-risk areas for roadway departures, one of the leading causes of highway fatalities.