ICC’s Automated Technologies for Data Collection Services in Jacksonville FL

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ICC’s Automated Technologies for Data Collection Services in Jacksonville FL

Jacksonville, FL – ICC’s Field Operations Team is collecting data in Jacksonville FL, the largest city by area in the US!

With the City of Jacksonville maintaining a road network of 3,700 centerline miles, optimizing treatments is critical in the pavement management process. That begins with managing large amounts of road condition information. For over 15 years, the City has worked with Eisman & Russo, Inc., a provider of pavement management services, including pavement condition assessment, prioritization planning, and treatment selection. Having recognized an opportunity to continue to build on their effective and well-developed program, Eisman & Russo engaged ICC on the project, leveraging ICC’s industry-changing, truly automated technologies , , and .

The City project will use ICC solutions to gather and deliver data over 2 years. The field team will collect 2D/3D pavement condition data, roughness, rutting, and GIS compatible HD images referencing roads/districts. The survey offers objective and repeatable data, allowing the City to make increased data-driven decisions and enhance any existing preservation-based treatments.

It’s fantastic working in partnership and building upon an already successful program.

Truly automated technologies offering better data to make better decisions!