TRB is back! January 7 to 11 you can find us in Washington, D.C. at the 103rd Annual Meeting. Contact our team members and let’s connect! Michael Nieminen, Chase Fleeman, Mollie Rhett, Patrick Warren, Danilo Balzarini, Ph.D., and Sadaf Khosravifar, PhD, PE.
You can find our ICC-IMS booth #517 in the Exhibit Hall at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Stop by, say hi, and learn if you are gambling with your pavement maintenance budget year after year firsthand from pavement experts who offer solution-focused pavement equipment, services, and software developed by International Cybernetics Company (ICC)–IMS Infrastructure Management Services.
TRB 2024 will offer a variety of exhibitions, committee meetings, workshops, and sessions hosted by the Transportation Research Board, a leader in the transportation industry guiding expertise, experience, and knowledge to predict and solve complex transportation challenges. We look forward to learning about the latest and greatest in the transportation industry, but also here to listen to any pavement challenges you might be facing.
Let’s set up a chat! !
We look forward to seeing you in Washington!