We are grateful for the continued partnership with ADOT!

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We are grateful for the continued partnership with ADOT!

ICC proudly performed a pavement condition survey, collecting HD imagery, and conducting sign and striping inventory across nearly 15,000 miles of interstate, state, US routes, and HPMS sections across Arizona.

▪️ Photolog images were made available agencywide with no license restrictions through ICC’s Inform™ cloud-based, pavement and asset data visualization software.

▪️ We collected, processed, and validated the geospatial roadway data-items identified in the FHWA’s HPMS and Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE)—providing ADOT with reliable, repeatable information to meet HPMS requirements for programming, planning, FHWA compliance, and internal forecasting for M&R development.

In addition to ICC’s current work with ADOT, IMS completed two federally funded pavement and sign data collection projects managed by ADOT for the Cities of Glendale and Goodyear, Arizona under a previous contract.

We are grateful for the continued partnership!